Cocoon, More Violent Days Are To Come


CD OS.012 | 2005 | including eight color in-folios

All titles written and mixed by Christophe Demarthe, except Catkiller mixed by Mathieu Farnarier / Vocals & machines, Christophe Demarthe / Voices on L’œil de chat, Félicia Atkinson & Léa Lescure (L’œil de chat in Histoire de l’œil by Georges Bataille) / Guitars, Nicolas Demarthe / Radiophonie clandestine, a mix concept by Bruno Lajara (Clandestine by Cocoon vs Radiophonie n°3 by Sylvain Chauveau)

Mastering, Norscq / Cover design, Labomatic / Triptyches, Cocoon / Photos, rights reserved / Many thanks to Félicia Atkinson, Jean-Guillaume Belouin, Pierre Beloüin, Sylvain Chauveau, Nicolas Demarthe, Mathieu Farnarier, Bruno Lajara, Nicolas Ledoux, Léa Lescure, Jean-Louis Morgère

Avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication – Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d’Alsace


BIO | Behind the moniker Cocoon hides Christophe Demarthe, lead singer of Clair Obscur, one of the French leading groups of the post-punk scene of the 80s, and today co-founder of the Acoustic Cameras project. Cocoon is a global project mixing indifferently electronic music, video, photo, text, performance. One of its red threads would be the extension of Clair Obscur’s attempt to move the frames of representation. Since its creation in 2004, Cocoon has performed in numerous festivals: Le Nouveau Festival du Centre Pompidou, Villette Numérique, L’Ososphère, Interstice, Emo-Son, Qwartz Awards, Nuit Blanche… He has collaborated with visual artists Pierre Beloüin, Ludovic Chemarin©, P. Nicolas Ledoux, Ultralab, choreographers and theatre directors Anne Juren, Annie Dorsen, Agata Maszkiewicz, Superamas.


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